NCHCMM23 Promotion Challenge
We know you can communicate but who’s the best of the best? Complete the social media challenges below to help us build buzz for this year’s Conference – or devise your own – and those bragging rights could belong to you!
How it works: During registration, to the question “How did you hear about the Conference?” attendees should answer “Friend or Colleague,” then type in your name. The individual or organization that receives the most mentions will be declared the Challenge winner and recognized during the conference. And yes, you can refer yourself, so that’s already one vote! Ready for some friendly competition? Read on!
Download graphics HERE, tag us and connect with @nphic on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook so we can see your progress!
#1 Social (Media) Director
POST 1: Join me in Atlanta July 19-21 at #NCHCMM – the 2023 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media. Hosted by @cdc and @nphic, it’s the nation's premier public health communications conference (and the most fun). Register by June 15 and save, tell them I sent you! https://www.nchcmm.org
POST 2: Prioritize your professional development! Attend the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media to sharpen your public health communications skills, enhance your knowledge, and level-up your efforts. Registration is open now for the event and pre-conference workshops. See more at https://www.nchcmm.org. #NCHCMM
POST 3: #NCHCMM is where health professionals connect, learn to build community partnerships and work together to ensure a healthier tomorrow for everyone. Help me win the Challenge – register today and add my name for “How did you hear about the Conference?” Learn more at https://www.nchcmm.org.
POST 4: The 2023 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media will be held July 19-21 in Atlanta. Hosted by @cdc and @nphic, it’s uniquely designed for public health professionals, students and those working in healthcare, public relations/communications and related fields. Learn more and register: https://www.nchcmm.org #NCHCMM
#2 Badge of Honor
#3 Early Bird
#4 Pix or it Didn’t Happen
#5 Comms O.G.
Dear Colleague:
Each year NPHIC and the CDC partner to host the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media (NCHCMM). This annual event brings together the best and brightest in the field of health communications, as well as those in academia, public health research, and other industry leaders and experts.
NCHCMM provides an excellent learning environment, fostering the exchange of innovative ideas and collaborative approaches to advance evidence-based strategies in the field of health communication. I know that it can be difficult to prioritize professional development, which is why I highly recommend you attend this conference to help level-up your communications efforts, reconnect with colleagues and enhance your knowledge of best practices.
I hope to see you in Atlanta July 19-21. Details on conference sessions, keynote speakers, plenary presentations and more are available at www.nchcmm.org. This is one conference I never want to miss; I hope you’ll consider attending as well.